她最喜歡紅玫瑰,因為她的名字也叫做玫瑰(Rose)。每一年她的丈夫都會送她一束用漂亮絲帶紮起來的紅玫瑰。他過世那一年的情人節,紅玫瑰一如往年的送到家門口,附上的小信封,也一如往年的寫著:「做我的情人吧!」每一年他都會送玫瑰給她,信封裡的小卡片則會寫著:"我比去年今天更愛妳。對妳的愛只會逐年增長。" 她知道這是她最後一次收到玫瑰了。他一定事先早早的就訂好了花。他都總是這樣--什麼事情他都儘早安排妥當。可惜,那寵愛她的丈夫不知道,今年他們不會在一起過節了。
She loved red roses because her name was also Rose. Every year her husband would send her a bunch of red roses pitched with beautiful silk ribbons. The year he passed away, on Valentine』s Day, red roses were delivered to her house as usual, and the same words, 「Be my Valentine!」 were written on the attached envelope. Every year, he would send her roses with a little card sealed in an envelope, and the small cards all bore the same message: 「I love you more each year.」 That year, she knew it would be the last time she would receive the roses. He must have ordered the flowers early in advance. He was always like that: arranging everything early in advance. However, her beloved husband did not know they would not spend the special day together this year.
She pruned the roses, putting them in a pretty vase. His photo smiled brightly next to the roses. In his favorite chair she would sit for hours, watching the picture and the roses.
一年過去了。沒有伴的日子是十分難過的,寂寞,孤獨是她每天的節目。然後,就如往年的情人節,門鈴響了,玫瑰準時地出現在門口。她驚異地把花捧進屋裡。然後,她打了個電 話給花店。花店老闆接起電話,她問他,是什麼人開的玩笑, 激起她心中的隱痛? 老闆說,"我知道妳的丈夫去年就去世了。我也預計妳會打電話來問起那把花的事。妳收到的花,是早就預訂的了。妳丈夫事先已為妳設想好了。每一年,妳都會收到他預訂的玫瑰。喔!請妳看一下今年的小卡片,他去年留了這張卡片在我這裡,交待我,如果有一年我發現他不在了,就在花中附上那張卡片。" 她向老闆道了謝,掛上電話,眼淚止不住流下面頰。她顫抖的手指慢慢觸到那張卡片。她靜靜地讀著卡片中熟悉的字蹟。。。。
One year passed. Life without a companion was hard to bear; loneliness and isolation filled her life everyday. Then, as every Valentine before, the door bell rang and roses appeared at the gate on time. She was completely surprised as she brought the roses into the house. Later, she made a phone call to the florist shop. She asked the shopkeeper, 「Who is playing this trick on me, awakening the hurt in my heart?」 The florist said, 「I knew your husband had passed away last year. I also expected that you would call to ask about the flowers. They were ordered long time ago. Your husband had arranged it for you: every year, you will receive the roses he ordered. Oh! Please read the little card that he left with me last year. He told me that if I learned that he was gone, I should just attach that card to the flowers.」 She thanked the florist and hung up. Teardrops streamed down her cheeks. Her trembling fingers slowly felt the card as she read the familiar penmanship silently:
「親愛的,今年我不在妳身旁了。希望這些日子,對妳來說不是太難適應。我知道,妳一定很寂寞,很傷心。要是換成妳先走,我也會有一樣地感受。 我們所分享的愛,使生活中每一件事都變得那麼美好。對妳的愛戀,早已超出文字能表達的。妳,是我完美的妻。妳是我的密友,我的愛侶,妳滿足我所有的渴求。雖然只分別了不久,請妳還是不要太傷心。就算妳掉淚時,我還是希望妳有喜樂的心。這就是我送妳玫瑰的原因。當妳接到這些花時,請妳回想我們一起分享的喜樂,想到我們如此蒙祝福。我一向鍾愛妳,這是永恆不變的。可是,親愛的,妳要勇敢的活下去。請試著找到新的幸福,快快樂樂的過日子。我知道,這不是容易的事,但請妳嚐試,好嗎?這些玫瑰還是會每年出現的,只有當送花人發現沒人應門時--要是妳出門的話,他會再回來試五次--花店才會停止送花。我已經告訴他們,請把最後的那一束花送到山坡上,我們重逢之處。。。」
「My dear, I』m sorry for not being with you this year. I hope it was not too hard getting used to my absence these days. I know you must be very lonely and very sad. I would have felt the same feelings if you passed away before me. The love we shared made everything in our life so wonderful that my love for you is beyond words. You are my perfect wife; you are my close friend and my only love. You satisfied all my desires. Although our separation was still fresh, I hope you will not feel too sad. Even when you shed your tears, I hope you still have a happy heart and that is the reason why I send you the roses. When you receive the flowers, please recall the happiness we shared and the blessings we enjoyed. I』ve always loved you and that will never change. But, darling, you must go on bravely. Please try to find your new happiness and live happily. I know this is not easy, but please try, alright? These roses will still appear every year. Only when the deliveryman finds no one to answer the door, will the florist stop sending the flowers. And if you happen to have stepped out, he will retry delivery for five times. And I have already told them to send the last bunch of flowers to the hillside where we would meet again……」
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